Skilled systems are easy and fast to learn
Skilled software can be easily customized: the HMI is shown in many different languages plus it is extremely intuitive with big screens. We also offer free training courses. The more our customers learn about our robots the better and more productive they become and they are immediately independent. No request for high qualified engineers to use our equipment. The software portion is continuously improved by our team of engineers, these robots are very robust and the gripper tools are customized to handle successfully and carefully, the products.
Our software allows customers to create directly their own palletizing patterns in 3D graphics. The program can be installed on any PC, it does not need any robot programming skill as it is sufficient to enter just a few data, using an interface common to all programs.
While the mechanical design has reached such a level of strength and reliability, the software portion is continuously under evaluation and new investments made on yearly basis to be always on the very top of its kind in the world. There is no “teach pendant” or program to teach the position of the robot because that would be time consuming, difficult and for specialized people and only where costs and time for courses are required.
Gastone Trecco - Skilled Group Chairman
The Skilled® controller is the result of over 40 years of experience in designing robotic controls and automation solution. Thanks to the operating screen with colour graphic interface and easy to follow instructions, the Skilled® controller provides the end-user a full function automation control center. It is a powerful automation processor, capable of coordinating all aspects of a robotic cell. Robot motion is perfectly integrated with end effectors, conveyors and other auxiliary equipment. The Skilled® controller has been designed to guarantee reliability and expandability: from simple to very complex, it provides top level of performance to face up to any challenge.